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About your project
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Examples: “Need SEO audit for my website”, “Looking to hire a Google Ads professional”
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Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Ascend is a Search Engine Optimization Agency based in Cardiff. We specialise in helping property-related businesses and online retail stores (eCommerce) help ascend through the Google ranks organically to increase their ROI.
At the heart of our business, we’re extremely client-focused. We exceed expectations to make sure our
clients see the best possible results. In our opinion, they deserve nothing less than our absolute best.
What is SEO? Let me give you a simple example on how you can relate to what SEO is.
Let's break it down in simple terms:
Imagine you have a shop, and you want more people to visit it. You decide to put a big sign outside with clear and attractive information about what you sell. This sign makes it easier for people passing by to notice your shop and decide to come in.
In the online world, websites want to attract more visitors too. SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is like creating that attractive sign for your online store. It involves making your website more visible and appealing to search engines like Google so that when someone searches for something related to your website, it's more likely to show up in the search results.
SEO includes things like using the right words on your website (keywords), having a well-organized website, getting other reputable websites to link to yours, and providing a good experience for your visitors. The goal is to make your website stand out and be easily found when people are looking for information or products related to what you offer.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to marketing, and we know that. We’re open and honest about trying new ideas and concepts, and we take a collaborative approach with our clients. We want them to think of us as an extension of their core team.
Client business size
Budget per project
$2,500 - 5,000
Geographic focus
United Kingdom
Excellent service from Ascend. My partner needed advice on a strategy for a new business idea and the team sat down with us to go through how we could initially adopt new avenues of marketing the business. We will look to seek more of an external marketing role from Ascend in year two of trading.
I would like to say thank you to Tom and the team at Ascend for all of their support. Tom really takes the time to build a strong working relationship with his clients. He’s quick to understand the businesses challenges and build solutions to resolve them. As a marketing agency I can’t recommend them enough.
Tom and his team have been able to provide us with fantastic support over the past year with SEO, seeing our sites traffic consistently improve month on month. His reporting and clear communication skills allow us to always feel in the loop with what's happening!
Ascend is a great SEO company to work with. They are super professional in how they present what they do, making every meeting informative and clear. We've seen very good results with them so far and are looking forward to seeing what's to come
Need more information?
Need more data before you can make a decision and reach out to an agency? Please share your thoughts and suggestions by dropping a line at [email protected]
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How it works
Tell us about your needs and describe your problem, so the agency understands what you want to achieve.
The agency will contact you shortly on the Agency Partners platform and suggest how they can help.
Send your brief to several agencies to maximize your chances of finding the right one.
Filling in the brief does not oblige you to hire anyone.
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Full name
Estimated budget
How it works
Tell us about your needs and describe your problem, so the agency understands what you want to achieve.
The agency will contact you shortly on the Agency Partners platform and suggest how they can help.
Send your brief to several agencies to maximize your chances of finding the right one.
Filling in the brief does not oblige you to hire anyone.
Contact more agencies that match your search to compare options and increase your chances of finding the ideal partner.
Contact more agencies that match your search to compare options and increase your chances of finding the ideal partner.