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Shane Barker

Content Writer

Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in sales funnels, targeted traffic, and website conversions. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities.


How To Use Instagram Stories To Build Your Audience

How To Use Instagram Stories To Build Your Audience

If you haven’t used Instagram Stories in your marketing strategy yet, you’re missing out on a lot. Learn how to leverage them successfully to create greater brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. In this post, I’ll be discussing the best ways to engage more people on Instagram Stories.
Sep 20, 2018
How To Implement Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

How To Implement Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

You‘ve likely heard the term, but what exactly is e-commerce tracking? In short, it‘s a feature on Google Analytics that allows you to track online transactions on e-commerce websites. It provides detailed analytical data to help establish the right path to maximum ROI. E-Commerce tracking even lets you see online traffic sources to improve your conversions.
Oct 13, 2015
Link Building: What Are Co-citation and Co-occurrence

Link Building: What Are Co-citation and Co-occurrence?

When Google was launched back in 1998, “link popularity“ was the core factor used in evaluating a website‘s authority to give users better search results. However, when users started manipulating the system and using bad link building practices, Google was challenged to remove these websites as spam.
May 13, 2015