YouTube is an awesome marketing tool that a lot of business owners haven’t explored. What really makes this avenue amazing is how many leads and overall exposure you can generate at such a low cost. So many people just aren’t aware of YouTube advertising... yet. That being said, I’m here to cover how you can gain more leads at an affordable price with YouTube.
This is a continuation of the previous article, What In The World Is API and How Do I Use It? If you have read the first API article, you have a general idea of what API is and how to use it. But now, you will want to understand how to make sure when enough is enough and how to organize this data.
You don’t need a huge marketing budget, and you don’t even need to invest in every area of content. It’s simply a matter of finding your niche and serving your audience. And that’s exactly what these small businesses have done...
As search engine marketers, we know that the best time for us to be involved with a web design or redesign project is right at the beginning, so that SEO can be ‘baked in‘ to the process right from the start.
Instagram is so hot right now. SourceIf you haven’t heard, Instagram is replacing Facebook in terms of organic reach and user engagement. Brands are shifting away from the Book, and focusing more towards the image-sharing network. Why is Instagram so successful? Because it allows brands to tell their stories through a series of pictures and videos.
It‘s now more important than ever to have a mobile-friendly website, but which approach should you choose? In the past, Google has heavily favored the responsive approach, but the April 21 mobile-friendly update made it clear that a separate mobile website (also known as an mdot site) is also acceptable. There are several factors to weigh up in making your decision.