Have you ever Googled a website only to find a second Google search box embedded underneath the first? That’s a recently updated Google feature, the Sitelinks search box. It has the capability to streamline your own website’s search function, but opinions are mixed regarding the benefit it provides.
Receiving high quality backlinks from .gov sites can dramatically increase your website rankings, but actually getting those powerful backlinks is a monumental task. Although there remains some debate over the true value of .gov extensions with Matt Cutts stating, “Google doesn’t treat .gov or .edu domains any differently,” most SEO professionals feel otherwise.
You have just graduated from college and are pumped to be out of school. However, after applying to hundreds of jobs, you only get a few interviews and continue to be unemployed. What can you do?
When Google was launched back in 1998, “link popularity“ was the core factor used in evaluating a website‘s authority to give users better search results. However, when users started manipulating the system and using bad link building practices, Google was challenged to remove these websites as spam.
Keyword research is at the core of the search marketing process. It is the absolute first item you need to address before doing anything else. But many search marketers just scratch the surface — and end up with only a few, high competition keywords. This approach is wrong, and a sure way to achieve little ROI and leave a lot of money on the table. There’s a better way.
When your company is beginning to think about expanding your brand overseas, you’ll need to consider how to structure your website or websites in order to maximize your online presence overseas as well. One of the most important considerations when building new multilingual or multi-country websites is how to optimize your international website(s) for SEO.